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Муниципальное образование «Нукутский район»

The investment Memorandum

The investment Memorandum of the municipal formation «Nukutskiy district» (hereinafter - Memorandum) is developed in accordance with the Federal law from 25.02.1999 N 39-FL «On investment activity in the Russian Federation implemented in the form of capital investments» and determines the main directions of investment policy and investment activity on the territory of the municipality «Nukutskiy district» guarantees and obligations of local authorities of municipal formation «Nukutskiy district» to ensure the rights of subjects of investment activity, as well as the key measures of municipal support of investment activities.

The Memorandum is an important component of efforts to ensure a favorable investment climate in the municipality «Nukutskiy district», allows you to provide the investor full information about the investment policy carried out in the territory of the municipal formation «Nukutskiy district».

Responsibility for the implementation of certain provisions of this Memorandum within their authority are sectoral (functional) and territorial bodies of administration of municipal formation «Nukutskiy district» providing and facilitating the implementation of investment projects.

The Memorandum is recommended as the basis for planning investment activities on the territory of municipal formation «Nukutskiy district», the subjects of investment and entrepreneurial activity.

Дата последнего изменения: 22.03.2017 15:22


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